008 How to know if you are full of it and finding your true voice. With Tim Jennings

What do others tell us about who we are that keep us from growing, developing, and fulfilling our potential? What do we tell ourselves that keep us from growing, developing and fulfilling our potential? At the heart of our emotional growth is an openness to looking at our beliefs about ourselves, questioning their foundations, and challenging ourselves to see things as they really are.

In this episode I talk to Tim about identifying the lies we tell ourselves to develop more honest ideas of who we are and what we are capable of. This not only provides the basis of compassion but also our ability to give a voice to who we really are. Without these we have little change of being able to find true love and belonging and a passion for making changes in the world that gives us hope and direction in life. 

In this episode you will learn: 

  • How we end up developing lies we tell ourselves about ourselves
  • How we can start to identify those lies
  • How to begin the process of more honest ideas about who we are
  • How to use these ideas to stay true to who we are
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